Sunday, June 26, 2011

Earl Sweatshirt Still Thinks His Mom's A Cunt

For those who remember the great piece posted by doc about Earl and the corresponding New Yorker article, well, perhaps it's time to call shenanigans. Tyler Craven, a Virginia native who attended Coral Reef Academy in Samoa with Earl, did an interview with Complex about Earl (who he knows and refers to by his government name, Thebe) and life at the boarding school. It's a must read interview as it dives in to life at the school, the relationship between Craven and Earl, and much more. Here are a few parts that I found particularly interesting:

Complex: What would he say about Odd Future and Tyler?

Tyler Craven: He called Tyler his brother and said that they'd do anything for each other. He talked about the OF swag. About the atheist, murderous, wildass fuck mentality they got and we all love. But you can't just be told about his unique style. You gotta see it. He was really humble about his prodigy status, though. He honestly just called his mom a cunt and a bitch repeatedly for sending him there. He would just say, “Who does that?” Especially knowing who he is. He really didn’t know why he was sent there. He knew his mom's reason for doing it, but he was very far from understanding it. There is no understanding it because it doesn’t make sense.

More after the jump...

In regards to the New Yorker article:

Complex: Oh, you talked to Kelefa (writer of New Yorker article) on the phone? What did he have to say?

Tyler Craven: Just pretty much the same stuff. General shit. I told him the article is BS, but I understood that he didn’t know any better. That was the closest that he knew to fact. But then I told him what the mix-up was, how the therapist basically forced him to write that letter.

Earl spent three months in "the box":

Complex: What’s the box like?

Tyler Craven: The box is a seven-foot by seven-foot room, with a wood floor and absolutely nothing in it. They give you a mattress. I wouldn’t even call it a mattress. It's like two inches thick. It’s a piece of foam that you sleep on. There’s a member of staff inside this tiny house and you’re segregated from the rest of the students. If you talk to any of the students outside, and the students outside respond, then they get put in there too. In a different one because they wouldn’t put two people in the same one. That would be too much entertainment for them. You’re in there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Earl writing while at the school:

Complex: He wrote a lot while there?

Tyler Craven: Yeah. He wrote enough to make a whole album, at least.

Extracurricular activities:

Complex: Is there any hard labor?

Tyler Craven: There’s no hard labor. There are hikes. This is kind of funny. We went on a hike once, and we all noticed we were walking through a cow field. There were cows everywhere for part of the hike. On the cow dung there was a very large amount of shrooms. All of us that comprehended what they were started eating them, including Thebe.

Complex: Real psilocybin ones?

Tyler Craven: Natural, 100%, straight from the cow shit. I’ve done shrooms in the past and these were unlike any other ones I’ve ever seen. Straight white.

Here is the rest of the article. My roommate went to a disciplinary boarding school in Virginia and spent just over 20 months there and when he read the interview with Craven he was in shock with how on point it was. Of course, there is always the possibility that this is just a kid looking to make some noise with his very own fabrication. But, I can't help to think that this isn't one of those cases.


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